
trivial な notes

【C#】デリゲートを取る引数に ラムダ式 / 各種メソッド / ローカル関数 を渡した際の違いを確認する


  • ラムダ式インスタンスメソッド、staticメソッド、拡張メソッド、ローカル関数を渡す
  • メンバーやローカル変数をキャプチャしないのを前提
  • .NET 8 / C# 12



  • 選べるならラムダ式
  • インスタンスメソッドはキャッシュされないため、毎回デリゲートがnewされる
  • staticメソッドやローカル関数はキャッシュされるが、ラムダ式で包むとお得





public class DelegateBenchmark
    private object target = default!;

    public void Setup()
        target = new();

    private object Instance(object obj) => obj;
    private static object Static(object obj) => obj;

    private Func<object, object>? cache;

    [Benchmark(Baseline = true, Description = "Non-delegate")]
    public object NonDelegate() => Instance(target);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Lambda")]
    public object Lambda() => target.Func(static obj => obj);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Instance method")]
    public object InstanceMethod() => target.Func(Instance);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Instance method with lambda")]
    public object InstanceMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj => Instance(obj));
    [Benchmark(Description = "Instance method with caching")]
    public object InstanceMethodWithCaching() => target.Func(cache ??= new(Instance));
    [Benchmark(Description = "Static method")]
    public object StaticMethod() => target.Func(Static);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Static method with lambda")]
    public object StaticMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj => Static(obj));
    [Benchmark(Description = "Extension method")]
    public object ExtensionMethod() => target.Func(this.Extension);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Extension method with lambda")]
    public object ExtensionMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj =>  this.Extension(obj));
    [Benchmark(Description = "Local function")]
    public object LocalFunction()
        static object local(object obj) => obj;
        return target.Func(local);
    [Benchmark(Description = "Local function with lambda")]
    public object LocalFunctionLambda()
        static object local(object obj) => obj;
        return target.Func(obj => local(obj));

file static class Ex
    public static T Func<T>(this T obj, Func<T, T> func) => func(obj);

    public static object Extension(this object _, object obj) => obj;


public class DelegateBenchmark
    private static class <>O
        public static Func<object, object> <0>__Static;

        public static Func<object, object> <1>__local;

    private sealed class <>c
        public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

        public static Func<object, object> <>9__6_0;

        public static Func<object, object> <>9__11_0;

        public static Func<object, object> <>9__15_1;

        internal object <Lambda>b__6_0(object obj)
            return obj;

        internal object <StaticMethodLambda>b__11_0(object obj)
            return Static(obj);

        internal object <LocalFunctionLambda>b__15_1(object obj)
            return <LocalFunctionLambda>g__local|15_0(obj);

    private object target;

    [Nullable(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1 })]
    private Func<object, object> cache;

    public void Setup()
        target = new object();

    private object Instance(object obj)
        return obj;

    private static object Static(object obj)
        return obj;

    public object NonDelegate()
        return Instance(target);

    public object Lambda()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, <>c.<>9__6_0 ?? (<>c.<>9__6_0 = new Func<object, object>(<>c.<>9.<Lambda>b__6_0)));

    public object InstanceMethod()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, new Func<object, object>(Instance));

    public object InstanceMethodLambda()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, new Func<object, object>(<InstanceMethodLambda>b__8_0));

    public object InstanceMethodWithCaching()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, cache ?? (cache = new Func<object, object>(Instance)));

    public object StaticMethod()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, <>O.<0>__Static ?? (<>O.<0>__Static = new Func<object, object>(Static)));

    public object StaticMethodLambda()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, <>c.<>9__11_0 ?? (<>c.<>9__11_0 = new Func<object, object>(<>c.<>9.<StaticMethodLambda>b__11_0)));

    public unsafe object ExtensionMethod()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, new Func<object, object>(this, (nint)(delegate*<object, object, object>)(&<_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Extension)));

    public object ExtensionMethodLambda()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, new Func<object, object>(<ExtensionMethodLambda>b__13_0));

    public object LocalFunction()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, <>O.<1>__local ?? (<>O.<1>__local = new Func<object, object>(<LocalFunction>g__local|14_0)));

    public object LocalFunctionLambda()
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Func(target, <>c.<>9__15_1 ?? (<>c.<>9__15_1 = new Func<object, object>(<>c.<>9.<LocalFunctionLambda>b__15_1)));

    private object <InstanceMethodLambda>b__8_0(object obj)
        return Instance(obj);

    private object <ExtensionMethodLambda>b__13_0(object obj)
        return <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex.Extension(this, obj);

    internal static object <LocalFunction>g__local|14_0(object obj)
        return obj;

    internal static object <LocalFunctionLambda>g__local|15_0(object obj)
        return obj;

internal static class <_>FD2E2ADF7177B7A8AFDDBC12D1634CF23EA1A71020F6A1308070A16400FB68FDE__Ex
    public static T Func<[Nullable(2)] T>(T obj, Func<T, T> func)
        return func(obj);

    public static object Extension(object _, object obj)
        return obj;

| Method                       | Mean     | Error     | StdDev    | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen0   | Allocated | Alloc Ratio |
| Non-delegate                 | 1.978 ns | 0.7825 ns | 0.0429 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Lambda                       | 1.998 ns | 0.4824 ns | 0.0264 ns |  1.01 |    0.02 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Instance method              | 9.886 ns | 1.4419 ns | 0.0790 ns |  5.00 |    0.14 | 0.0204 |      64 B |          NA |
| Instance method with lambda  | 9.474 ns | 1.0506 ns | 0.0576 ns |  4.79 |    0.12 | 0.0204 |      64 B |          NA |
| Instance method with caching | 2.899 ns | 0.4433 ns | 0.0243 ns |  1.47 |    0.04 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Static method                | 3.719 ns | 0.3771 ns | 0.0207 ns |  1.88 |    0.05 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Static method with lambda    | 2.502 ns | 1.3206 ns | 0.0724 ns |  1.27 |    0.06 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Extension method             | 9.953 ns | 4.8201 ns | 0.2642 ns |  5.03 |    0.12 | 0.0204 |      64 B |          NA |
| Extension method with lambda | 9.380 ns | 6.6819 ns | 0.3663 ns |  4.75 |    0.25 | 0.0204 |      64 B |          NA |
| Local function               | 3.744 ns | 0.4856 ns | 0.0266 ns |  1.89 |    0.03 |      - |         - |          NA |
| Local function with lambda   | 2.205 ns | 3.9868 ns | 0.2185 ns |  1.12 |    0.13 |      - |         - |          NA |
  • 単純なラムダ式 (Lambda) は、メソッド直呼び(Non-delegate)に迫った
  • インスタンスメソッド (Instance method) は、キャッシュが行われない(毎回newされる)
    • それを防ぐには、自前でキャッシュ (with caching) する
  • staticメソッド (Static method) はキャッシュされるが、単純なラムダ式の方が速度面では優れる
    • ラムダ式で包むと (with lambda)、速度が向上する
  • ローカル関数 (Local function)は、staticメソッドと同様の性質を持っているよう



file static class Ex
    public static T Func<T>(this T obj, Func<T, T> func) => func(obj);


// object target;
public object Lambda() => target.Func(static obj => obj);



private object Instance(object obj) => obj;

private Func<object, object>? cache;

public object InstanceMethod() => target.Func(Instance);
public object InstanceMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj => Instance(obj));
public object InstanceMethodWithCaching() => target.Func(cache ??= new(Instance));



private static object Static(object obj) => obj;

public object StaticMethod() => target.Func(Static);
public object StaticMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj => Static(obj));






file static class Ex
    public static object Extension(this object _, object obj) => obj;
public object ExtensionMethod() => target.Func(this.Extension);
public object ExtensionMethodLambda() => target.Func(obj =>  this.Extension(obj));




public object LocalFunction()
    static object local(object obj) => obj;
    return target.Func(local);

public object LocalFunctionLambda()
    static object local(object obj) => obj;
    return target.Func(obj => local(obj));

